Chapter 10 Fundamentals of the Five Elements

 Excerpt from the "Gold Book" written by Grand Master Wu Kung Cho published in Chinese in 1980 and in English in 2006 - Page 17

 (The Gold Book is available in our shopping cart in hard copy in Chinese and English and as an Apple Ipad App.  Visit our shopping cart for more details).

 Chapter 10    Fundamentals of the Five Elements

1. Adhering (   ) Jin: When two objects join,  adhering Jin causes them to rise. In Tai Chi Chuan, this  is referred to as "Jin". Such Jin does not happen by directly adhering, it is created by being indirect. In adhering, Jin and intention simultaneously (function as) Yin and Yang. If the opponent is large and powerful, with a very stable stance, it is quite difficult to lift him outwards or move his centre of gravity. But if you apply adhering Jin he will automatically lose his centre of gravity. The method is to probe with intention, causing his qi to soar. His  whole spirit pours upwards then the opponent is heavy above and light below, thus being uprooted. This comes about through the opponent's reactive force. Merely flow with his reactions and use non-resisting and non-separating Jin to draw him into becoming suspended in space. This Jin is as if relaxed yet not relaxed; remain unseparated from the opponent, actively drawing him in. This is known as adhering Jin.

Adhering Jin is like a ball resting in the palm of the hand. As the hand turns, the ball rotates with it. THERE IS AN EXPRESSION THAT SAYS: "Adhering is to execute (Zou), executing is to adhere."

2. Connecting (   ) Jin:  The body is threaded together[1].  If there are no breaks, nor any separation from the opponent, if one is continuously interconnected without stopping or even hesitating, this is connecting Jin. Connecting Jin is passive in nature. It focuses on always maintaining unceasing contact with the opponent as he advances or retreats.

3. Sticking (   ) Jin: This means to be sticky. When the opponent advances, I  move back; when he moves back, I advance; when he floats, I  ascend; and when he sinks, I  relax. Make the opponent feel that he cannot lose you, you cannot be tossed off, make him feel you are so sticky that you and he are inseparable. Remain constantly LIKE THIS,  not revisiting and not separating  from him, biding your time and seizing the opportunity when it is presented. If the opportunity is not there, wait for it. As he advances, draw him in and bind up his movements; when he retreats, intercept and attack. This is to turn a passive situation into a active one.

4. Following (   ) Jin: If slowness and speed follow each other, if advancing and retreating are connected to each other, if one does not move before or after the opponent, if one refrains from self-initiated action and follows the opponent, then this is called following Jin. The classics state:  "Because the opponent's changes ARE REVEALED in unpredictable ways, one must assiduously study the skills of following."  Cause the opponent to be defeated by his own arrogance. This is to secure victory from a passive position.  

5. Do Not Separate or Resist: Do not break away from the opponent, do not resist him, do not strive to be ahead and do not lag behind. To not separate or resist is the origin of the Five  Elements and the basis for being light and nimble.

When two people engage in combat, the mind must be calm and qi must be quiescent. The mind dispatches, intention reaches the objective and moves with qi. As one transforms when advancing or retreating, attacking or defending, remain sticky, do not resist or separate and follow. Then, you will always be prepared to use whatever application is required.






[1]     _The character "guan" originally meant a string of 1000 cash or to string on a thread. It denotes something which is evenly sequentially connected throughout.