Michael Ng Jian Cheng

I was introduced to Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan in 2006 and was immediately amazed at the prowess of Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan. It is a martial arts form that requires lifelong learning as
the principles behind it is complex but intriguing at the same time. The martial and philosophical aspect of the art is what captivated me and they are one of the main reasons why I chose to continue learning this martial arts form. Since I started learning Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan, I felt improvements in both my physical and mental self.

Name: Michael Ng Jian Cheng
City: Singapore
Country: Singapore
Contact: please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Disciple of: Grand Master Eddie Wu Kwong Yu
Status: Teaching Disciple
Certification Date: Nov 20, 2015
Certification level:  Beginners Level