Some ten years ago, I attended Tai Chi Chuan classes for a few months at the Hong Kong Wu’s Tai Chi Chuan Academy, Island Branch, for health promotion reasons. Thereafter, I continued to practise the Tai Chi Chuan form on my own but did not make much progress. After retirement, I determined to start afresh and pledged to learn the form more seriously. In 2005, I picked up the news that Grand Master Eddie Wu Kwong Yu had succeeded as the Gate Keeper of the Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan. In November that year, I enrolled in one of the Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan 108 Standard Form classes. Thanks to the conscientious and patient instruction of Wu Hsia Fung Si Kuo Tze and Chan Pui Wah Si Suk Gong, I have gained a better understanding of the form and rectified some of my incorrect postures. In 2007, I was honoured to be accepted as the 14th disciple of the Grand Master Eddie Wu Kwong Yu in Hong Kong. 在十多年前,我本着養生健體的目的,在鑑泉太極拳社港島分社學習太極拳套路數月。此後,雖於工餘時經常練習,但進度未如理想。退休後,我訂下目標,要把太極拳學好。在2005年,從報章得知吳光宇宗師接任吳家太極拳第五代掌門人,同年11月我開始在總社重新學習108式關節動作套路,得吳小鳳師姑姐及陳沛華師叔公悉心教導,獲益良多。更蒙吳光宇宗師不棄,於2007年納為弟子,深感榮幸。 在加深對太極拳的認識後,益覺這門學問博大精深。我現在領略到太極拳除可健體養生外,還是一種武術。在名師指導下,我自當努力練習,提升個人水平,亦會盡力協助拳社推廣吳家太極拳 |
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