I began my practice in Tai Chi Chuan in 2004, after visiting the school of my teacher, Mr. Dionisis Tsetselis, who at that time was teaching a Tai Chi style that was based in the style of the Wu Family. Although I had never practiced in any martial art before, the moral and the quality of my teacher’s knowledge led me to the decision to concentrate in Tai Chi Chuan. From the very first lessons I realized that the philosophy and the way of Tai Chi practice were what I was looking for. In 2006, our teacher contacted the Great Grand master Wu Kwong Yu and that was the beginning of the path that brought us closer to the roots of the Art. Through our contact with the Great Grand Master, we realized the depth and the quality of the Wu style tai Chi Chuan and decided to focus on that. I would like to express my gratitude to my teacher, Mr. Dionisis Tsetselis, because his persistence and his love for Tai Chi made me also love this great Art and commit myself to it. I would also like to thank the Great Grand Master Wu Kwong Yu for his trust, after certifying me as a Wu style Tai Chi Chuan instructor and make a promise both to him and my teacher that I will do my best in order to fulfill their expectations.
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